On budget day, “stakeholders” gathered in the Railway room of Parliament for interviews and to give their reaction to the budget to the pool feed for the television networks. I met a few interesting people who were representing various organizations. I interviewed a few of them on camera.
Green Party:
The Greens passed on the budget even though it was the most activist in history with respect to the environment. ($1.5B to fight carbon emissions, green levy on gas guzzlers and rebates on fuel-efficient/hybrids, $2B for renewable fuels, a national water strategy of $93 million).
Canola Council of Canada:
Canadian Federation of Agriculture:
Institute of Marriage and Family Canada:
Gen. (ret) Lewis MacKenzie:
MedicAlert Canada:
Phil Fontaine, National Chief of Assembly of First Nations:
(On the Aboriginal file: $300 million for aboriginal housing, $14.5 million over two years for aboriginal justice programs, $35 million over two years to get more natives into the labour force, $20 million over two years for native fishermen in Quebec and Atlantic Canada. — source: National Post)
Canadian Institute of Actuaries:
Canadian Alliance of Student Associations:
National Anti-Poverty Organization:
Work Research Foundation:
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: