Here’s the audio:
I’ve made it into a YouTube video… so people could, y’know, share it. What do you think of the ad?
Here’s the audio:
I’ve made it into a YouTube video… so people could, y’know, share it. What do you think of the ad?
A few words about this after the press release!
Stephen Taylor Joins the National Citizens Coalition
OTTAWA (December 7, 2010)
The National Citizens Coalition is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Taylor as a Director.
Stephen Taylor is one of the brightest minds in the country that is currently involved in social media, says Peter Coleman President and CEO of the National Citizens Coalition. Together we will be able to provide increased insight and information to a greatly expanded number of Canadians both in the main stream media as well as in the vastly growing internet and social media universe.
“I am looking forward to the opportunity of working with the NCC to advance their principles of individual freedom and responsible government by engaging the growing movement online”, Taylor said of his new role in the organization.
The National Citizens Coalition has had a great deal of success in this field, with a burgeoning blog following and constant updates. With the addition of Stephen Taylors expertise and visibility, the NCC will be even better positioned to interact with concerned citizens, social media users, politicians and journalists.
As all levels of government and most non government organizations are exploring and expanding their use of social media, it is very important to stay on the leading edge of this technology. As more and more Canadians turn to these sources for political news and discussion, the NCC will remain an important destination, added Coleman.
The National Citizens Coalition is Canadas largest organization that stands for the defense and promotion of free enterprise, free speech and a government that is accountable to the taxpayer. Founded in 1967, the NCC continues to fight for more freedom through less government.
Peter Coleman
President and CEO
National Citizens Coalition
Office: 416-869-3838
Cell: 416-388-5633Stephen Taylor
National Citizens Coalition
Cell: 613-698-8874
– Media people: a big part of my role at the NCC is talking to you/your outlets about conservatism in Canada and advancing free-market principles. Let me help you with your story. My contact info is that in the press release, but while we get my email set up at the NCC, send vcards etc. to
– I will be keeping up the blog. It’s what got me into this world in the first place and I enjoy it too much! Opinions here will remain my own.
– Big thank you to Preston Manning for bringing me to Ottawa and asking me to contribute to the Manning Centre for Building Democracy. He allowed my conservative hobby to become a full-time adventure.
– Big thank you to NCC President Peter Coleman and Chairman Colin Brown for this exciting opportunity!
– Client work for my other business will continue. I’m still available morning, noon and night!
– I’ll be staying in Ottawa. I am, er, looking forward to the windchill and I may skate on the canal for the first time since I moved here!
– There’ll be more coming out about the news above soon.
Can we get this man the Order of Canada already?