Tories at 43%?

That’s the stunning result of the latest Ipsos poll showing 43% strength for Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party nationally buoyed by a 45% showing in Ontario.  Also surprising is the Conservative dominance in the east which can be as rare as a [insert folksy Atlantic Canadian expression here].

What does this mean? Stephen Harper must really want an election musn’t he? Our Prime Minister is a strategic one to be sure, but this poll (and other recent ones) suggest that stability has a special place in the hearts of Canadians given their number one issue: the economy.  Michael Ignatieff’s Liberal Party has been taking the stubborn line that they are eager for an election, all while claiming to fight for Canada’s values and for issues that affect Canadians.  Meanwhile Canadians look at this positioning as reckless and self-serving.

Indeed, polls seem to shift against those that take a position of arrogance.  With prorogation, Canadians punished the Prime Minister because the narrative held that the Prime Minister’s prorogation of Parliament wasn’t simply procedural, it was a ploy — in effect, too cute by half.  When Ignatieff went bellicose with his infamous stand, “Mr. Harper, your time is up”, Canadians reacted by punishing a party moving against the general political mood and national reality.  Were Canadians looking to replace the government, or looking to it to get down to work?

The Liberal Party is a transactional party and when it comes down to it, they are looked upon to make or deny the deal.  Conversely, the NDP is an ideological party.  And we see too that the NDP suffers in the latest Ipsos poll.  While the leftwing base looks upon the NDP to bear true reflection of their values, they now see a party making the deal with a government toxic to its values.  The roles have been reversed, and voters are looking to these parties as having lost their sincerity.

Today in Ontario, one particular element of the Conservative brand is finding its pace and reflecting what voters and partisans alike expect.  Steady progress with deficit and rate of spending reduction is what voters expect of the Conservative brand.  There are no surprises here.  As the top-of-mind issue, Conservative are the cool heads in the room making progress while everyone else is running around trying to burn it all down while blaming the others for holding the gas can.

Entrench Property Rights in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Tasha Kheiriddin writes in Full Comment on the National Post website,

On February 24, federal MP Scott Reid and Ontario MPP Randy Hillier held a joint press conference to promote the protection of a basic human right: the right to property. The two politicians will be introducing resolutions in their respective legislatures which would entrench constitutional protection to property rights in Ontario – and hopefully spark a move to enact similar protection in the rest of Canada as well.

Here is the press conference,

Here is the CCF’s video announcing the Jaworski’s legal win in their fight to hold the Liberty Summer Seminar on their property,

Michael Ignatieff to meet Liberal elites on his Working Families Tour

Michael Ignatieff is currently on tour! He’s on the road going to the east coast of Canada and to parts of Quebec and Ontario. They’re calling it the Working Families Tour but most events occur between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm when families are working! I asked the Liberal Party about this and they replied that they are “going to where people work”. Fair enough, but let’s take a look at a stop in St. John’s Newfoundland:

And when he’s done at the high school meeting “working families”, he’s got another event that evening for Laurier Club members!

What is the Laurier Club you might ask? Let’s check the Liberal website for the answer:

With an annual donation of $1,100 ($550 for those 35 and under), made monthly or as a one-time gift, donors achieve Laurier Club status.

Working families by day, Liberal elites by night! All in a day for Michael Ignatieff on the Working Families Tour.