Paging Jim Karygiannis…

In mid-January, Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis emailed Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson. His email is here,

Mary Dawson
Ethics Commissioner

Ms. Dawson

This is an email and a formal letter will follow in a few hours. I am watching the attack adds by the conservatives which is on the conservative party website called rising to the challenge.

It can also be seen on you tube at:

It has the prime minister walking down the corridor and up the stairs to the Prime Minister office in the House of Commons.

I thought that we as parliamentarians could not use the House of Commons as a prop for election and party purposes.

Although we are not in an election period just yet why is the prime minister allowed to do this.

I would ask that you please examine this and get back to me as this matter is one of a serious nature if the prime minister if breaking his own ethics rules.

Best Regards

Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.

The Liberal Party posted an ad today featuring Michael Ignatieff, but if you have an eagle eye, you’ll see that at 2:01 in the video, the opposition lobby of the House of Commons is clearly being used in partisan advertising by the Liberal Party. In fact, some NDP staffers have found themselves in the ad as well.

In the latest Ottawa dialog which Concerns All Canadians™, the use the Parliamentary resources for partisan gain is a favourite topic of the opposition and the media.

Liberals go “very ethnic”

The Liberal Party mocked and expressed fake outrage when a Conservative Party internal document came to light allegedly revealing Conservative ethnic outreach strategy. Liberals pounced upon Conservative language that described outreach to “very ethnic” areas. Of course, Liberals want you to believe that only they are enlightened representatives of Canada and its diverse peoples while Conservatives argue that their party seeks to represent the values of new Canadians.

Representation of ethnic identity vs. representation of values; this is the dichotomy between the Liberals and Conservatives when it comes to reaching out to accessible votes from new Canadians.

Let’s look to Michael Ignatieff’s over-the-top wishy-washy moral superiority reflected in his tweet about revelations that Conservatives are “targeting” new Canadians for constituent outreach,

Jason Kenney sees certain communities as “very ethnic”. Liberals see them as “very Canadian” #cdnpoli #lpc

And now, here’s a Liberal Party media alert describing an event Michael Ignatieff attended yesterday,

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff to visit Etobicoke and Markham on Working Families Tour

For a copy of the tour itinerary, please see:

Event: Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff and Liberal MP Kirsty Duncan to meet with Sikh community members. Media availability to follow.

Time: Media availability to follow at 2:00 PM.

Sikh Spiritual Centre
9 Carrier Dr.
Etobicoke, ON

One presumes that Michael Ignatieff’s press release meant to describe his meeting with “very Canadian” community members.

However, we see that Michael Ignatieff too recognizes the value of ethic community outreach despite his previous awkward pronouncement about being of a different mind with respect to voter and constituent contact.

Let’s be clear. There are strategies by both major parties to reach out to new Canadians, however, one difference is evident in each approach. While the Liberals have traditionally considered different ethnic identities as boxes to check, Conservatives are instead speaking to the values of these communities.

That is why the recent slip from multiculturalism (interculturalism?)/youth critic Justin Trudeau is going to be mercilessly pounced upon by Conservatives this week,

The federal Liberal immigration critic agrees that so-called “honour killings” are barbaric, but Justin Trudeau says he doesn’t want the practice described in such a “pejorative” way in Canada’s citizenship guide.

He fears it’s too judgemental.

and the Conservative response late this evening,

If Not ‘Barbaric’, How Would the Ignatieff-Liberals Describe Honour Killings?

We believe that the Ignatieff-Liberals opposition to calling ‘honour killings’ barbaric is unacceptable. If not barbaric, we ask them, what word would they use to describe ‘honour killings’?

Despite reluctance from Trudeau, we make no apologies for letting immigrant women know their rights.

While Liberals twist themselves into pretzels to foolishly subscribe to a bizarre moral and cultural equivalence, Conservatives make themselves clear on their view of Canadian values, indeed values they believe to be in common with new Canadians.

Liberals on Honour Killings

Newstalk 1010:

The federal Liberal immigration critic agrees that so-called “honour killings” are barbaric, but Justin Trudeau says he doesn’t want the practice described in such a “pejorative” way in Canada’s citizenship guide.

He fears it’s too judgemental.

“I think that’s part of the tone that I’m uncomfortable with,” says Trudeau.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says there’s no better way to describe “honour killings” than to use the term “barbaric.”

“I guess this demonstrates how unfortunately politically correct the Liberals have been,” says the minister