CBC Board of Directors Political Contributions by Party

As I prepared this post, a rerun of the CBC’s fifth estate documentary was lamenting the arrival of that “loud”, “raucous” cable news channel that has debuted on Canadian digital cable. I am, of course, talking about Fox News.

Bob McKeown has an obvious thesis. He claims, quite correctly, that Fox News has aided in the division of the United States into Red and Blue. He calls it “a very un-civil war”. Ironically he uses Al Franken and his Air America to confirm his thesis that Fox News is conservative (and thus quite evil). Yet, he ignores that by appealing to Franken he becomes unfaithful to his original thesis of media division of opinion as unfavorable.

I’d venture to guess that Bob took a lot of notes when he saw the Democratic Party funded documentary on Fox News: Outfoxed. All of the points were there. If I produced Outfoxed, I’d look into suing the Fifth Estate for plagiarism.

There is something quite ironic about the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation identifying media bias when the American news channel itself will compete directly with CBC for viewers.

So, I decided to look into the political influence behind what may direct the decisions at the CBC, from the stories that they choose to cover to which rerun of the Antiques Roadshow they’ll play on Newsworld whenever the Conservative Party gets together at a convention or leadership debate.

Thus, I present the political contributions by party made by the current CBC board of directors.

cbc board of directors.jpg

Consider that these powerful positions are appointed by the government and that state media should of course be unbiased.

The CBC documentary on Fox News dreads a division of opinion in the news media concerning the stories that are reported, the facts which are selected, and the tone of the broadcast. I would much prefer a “divide” than such a disparity which is as evident as the chart above describes.

Calling all students…

Would you like to be an intern for the Conservative Party of Canada in Parliament in Ottawa? Are you a student?

The Conservative Party of Canada offers its student members a unique internship opportunity through our Parliamentary Internship Program.

Interns will be given educational, political, and parliamentary staff training while in the program. Students will receive guest lectures from some of the best conservative minds in the country, such as various members of parliament, media consultants, political organizers, campaign managers, and campus club leaders. Interns will have the opportunity to get a hands-on education about governance and politics, all while getting to know fellow conservative youth from across Canada.

While many internships are unpaid, the Conservative Party of Canada Parliamentary Internship Program is a paid internship program. Interns will earn a gross monthly pay of $1500. Additionally, the program will cover the costs of travel to and from Ottawa.

The program runs for four months, from the beginning of May until the end of August, 2005.

Any student registered in a recognized post-secondary institution who is a member of the Conservative Party of Canada is eligible for the CPC Parliamentary Internship Program.

Here’s the application.

If you’d like any further info give Jamie Tronnes (Public Relations Officer –
Office of the Leader of the Opposition) a ring at (613) 944-7375 or preferably an email at tronnj@parl.gc.ca.

And when this job jumpstarts your political career on the long road to Prime Minister, just remember my name when the Ambassadorship to Bermuda opens up.

Harper supports gays

Please consider the following seven questions.

Do gays have their own “culture”?

Does a gay Canadian have the same rights as an Asian-Canadian, as a black Canadian, white Canadian, Jewish, Hindu or Christian Canadian?

Is Canada a multicultural society in which we encourage and celebrate Greek food, an Irish high holy drinking day, Caribbean music and even American television, instead of 100% assimilation into a singular homogenous culture?

Is it true that Canada does not currently forbid relationships between two people regardless of whether that couple is gay or straight?

In the eyes of the state, should any loving couple have the right to formalize their relationship?

In the eyes of God, shouldn’t it be up to those who adhere to religion, to recognize a state-sanctioned formal relationship as anything ‘more’?

As Canadians, should we foster the philosophy of equal rights?

If you answered yes to the previous seven questions, your name might be Stephen Harper. Yes, Stephen Harper has said that while he would maintain the “traditional” definition of marriage, he would also extend equal rights to homosexual couples. So is the formalization of a same-sex relationship a “marriage”, you ask?

The “tradition” in any context is defined and therefore I will cite Merriam Webster’s dictionary. Tradition is defined as “cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions”. Whether or not you are for or against same-sex ‘marriage’, you must agree that marriage is a tradition (as I’ve just defined). Yes, “traditional marriage” is a tradition between a man and a woman in the heterosexual culture. Do gays have their own culture? Yes, of course they do. Do gays hold the very same “tradition” that heterosexuals do concerning marriage? No, by the definition of “tradition” of course they do not. Are they entitled to the development of their own traditions and their own culture? Yes. Gay pride and gay culture is celebrated and recognized under the rainbow flag. As with the flag, gays should be entitled to the genesis of their own traditions and culture and yes, the formalization of a gay relationship with equal rights of heterosexual marriages could very well become part of that.

I recognize myself as a constituent of many cultures. I am part of the Canadian culture, the blogging culture, the Christian culture and the academic culture to name a few. Each culture possesses its own “traditions”. We should celebrate and enable gay culture by encouraging the formation of a new tradition to formally recognize same-sex relationships (at least in the eyes of the secular state). Why should gays limit themselves to another culture’s non-applicable tradition when they can have their own? We live in a multicultural society which embraces the traditions and practices of numerous peoples. As a member of the Protestant culture and as one that has attended Catholic mass, I have not asked for communion as this would violate the Roman Catholic tradition. As Christians, however, we recognize other Christian cultures even though we do not participate in their exclusive practices. I believe that most of the rational opposition to same-sex ‘marriage’ is that it would amend and thus violate a tradition held closely and fundamentally by members of the heterosexual culture. Gays should however be entitled to equal rights of relationship formalization and the creation of their own traditions associated with it. Gays could call it “garriage” and get “garried”. (Please work with me here, I’m not mocking)

While equality in the jurisdiction of the state is achieved, gay culture is enabled, gay tradition is initiated and heterosexual culture is maintained.

While gays would not necessarily throw rice at their “garriage” celebration (to symbolize fertility), other traditions would be started. Traditions are important to any culture as a culture’s traditions define its people, their history and their future. The necessity of “giving the bride away”, for example, has fallen away with our now antiquated patriarchal society, yet many heterosexual women maintain (in fact, they choose to maintain) this tradition because it solely has meaning as tradition.

Churches must be able to maintain their own respective culture and define their own traditions, whether old or new. The government’s role is not to abrogate traditions held by any culture whether that culture is based in religion or sexuality. Also, many same-sex relationships are now currently formalized in Christian churches.

I believe that Stephen Harper is doing something positive here, let’s give him a listen and see if it turns out that way.

I would very much appreciate any comments that you have in the comments section below.