A thought on the Jean Brault testimony publication ban

Just a thought…

Along the loopy lines of logic of this publication ban farce…

Since there is forbidden testimony that is available on the Internet could Internet Service Providers be liable for allowing Canadians to access this testimony? Are ISPs acting as accomplices to the violation of Judge Gomery’s order? (A similar argument is currently being debated before the courts concerning music downloads)

It would be quite simple for Rogers, Telus or Bell to add a few lines of code into their global settings to ban a certain IP address of a certain website (which cannot be named) to prevent Canadians from accessing this information. In fact, an order could come from on high from our government protectors to implement this decree across all servers providing internet access from dialups to University networks. Free speech at Universities? Only when it serves the government!

In fact, this practice is currently in use in China, Cuba and Iran. These countries filter certain internet websites to prevent their citizens from accessing certain information. For example, western media websites such as CNN.com and BBC News are unavailable to most Chinese internet users. I’m sure these countries would be happy to help our government figure out how to protect us from this awful thing called free speech.

Jean Brault testimony continued

Today, former Groupaction chief Jean Brault continued his ‘explosive’ testimony in Montreal. This secret testimony is officially available to reporters only as it is subject to a publication ban imposed by Judge Gomery.

I have also had access to this second day of secret testimony through that American website which cannot be named. The American blogger was on the CBC National tonight and they wouldn’t even name him. The CBC even showed a digitally scrambled image of the blog’s front page.

Gomery secret testimony is the new pornography in Canada.

The only unscrambled image they showed from the blog was the Republican National Convention Official Blogger button that [CENSORED] shows on his website. Is the CBC linking the current attacks on the Liberals to the Republicans? No, that would be silly of course (yeah right). I’m sure they merely were letting the audience know that this mystery American blogger was only one of a few accredited bloggers at the RNC (after all, that’s what I got from it — thanks CBC!)

So, what’s in the secret testimony given on this second day by Jean Brault? Well, details of course, cannot be divulged for fear of being in contempt of court, but it can be safely said that this testimony added a new level of complexity to say, the entire situation at large (how vague…). I will say that this second day of testimony by Jean Brault is about as shocking as the first.

I shouldn’t say anymore because as that old saying goes…

“Loose lips sink ships”

Welcome government types!

So far this is shaping up to be my biggest day for traffic to this website. Blogging Tories is also having a record day. Everyone seems to be searching for one thing… the Jean Brault secret testimony at the Gomery Inquiry.

I’d like to give a special shout-out to my some of my visitors from the government of Canada!

firewall.scc-csc.gc.ca (Supreme Court Of Canada)
gate1.dfait-maeci.gc.ca (Dept. Foreign Affairs And International Trade)
parl203.parl.gc.ca (Canadian House Of Commons)
hrdcgate.nhq.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca (HRDC)
intout.cbc.ca (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
user.fin.gc.ca (Finance Canada And Treasury Board Secretariat)
csc-scc.gc.ca (Solicitor General of Canada)

You guys already know about the secret testimony by Jean Brault at the Gomery commission! Why look here? Use your Blackberrys, that’s what they’re for. There is certainly nothing here that’s illegal.