Chuck Guite and Paul Coffin publication ban

The testimony of Chuck Guite is coming up later this week. Paul Coffin is also set to testify.

The Gomery commission has covered both testimonies with a similar publication ban to protect a potential jury pool from becoming biased prior to the eventual trials of Chuck Guite and Paul Coffin. Will Captain’s Quarters have coverage of this secret testimony of Chuck Guite and/or that of Paul Coffin? I still find it ironic that an American blog has more freedom to inform Canadians on the details of the corruption of our own democracy than do mainstream media outlets.

Will the Gomery inquiry lift the publication ban on Chuck Guite’s secret testimony or that of Paul Coffin once it is inevitably leaked on the American blog? Gomery decided to lift the publication ban on Jean Brault’s testimony shortly after it hit the blogosphere.

Back at ya

What’s the perfect way to respond to the Liberal assertion that “Canadians don’t want an election right now”?

Respond with “The Liberals want to have a 10 month election campaign” of course.


However, might I make a suggestion?

Make it “The Liberals want to have an American style 10 month election campaign” just to rub their noses in their own filth.

BBC Sabotages Tories

In what is sure to create the largest media crisis for the state broadcaster since David Kelly, the BBC was caught miking hecklers at a Conservative rally at which leader Michael Howard gave a speech.

In a letter to Helen Boaden, the BBC’s director of news, Guy Black, the Conservatives’ director of communications, said that the “placed” hecklers shouted slogans that were “distracting and clearly hostile to the Conservative Party”.

The slogans included “Michael Howard is a liar”, “you can’t trust the Tories”, and “you can only trust Tony Blair”.
