The Liberal leadership show will span two weekends

I’ve learned that the upcoming leadership process will span two weekends instead of one. In contrast with the NDP process which selected Thomas Mulcair over one weekend in Toronto, Liberals will congregate for one convention weekend to hear candidate speeches and will vote and hear results during the subsequent weekend. According to the logic conveyed to me today, the Liberals want to avoid a situation whereby 80% of the party’s supporters have voted by the time any candidate has made their final pitch. The voting irregularities of the NDP contest only compounded the chaos of the limited time schedule of their leadership convention.

On the second weekend, the Liberal Party envisions that candidates may vote in the ridings of their choosing but will congregate at a centralized location for the announcement of results.

Also, regarding Hall-Finley’s debt and ability to accumulate future debt, I’m told that there’s no provision in law or by any Liberal rule that prevents her from seeking the Liberal leadership.

Regarding the money details, Jane Taber has some interesting information on how the upcoming federal Liberal leadership race will be governed.

In particular, a debt ceiling of $75,000 for candidates will be instituted to prevent a recurrence of previous troubles of leadership candidates still paying off debts now 6 years after the previous contested Liberal leadership election. Martha Hall Finley, is still grappling with more than $45,000 of debt from her ill-fated run for the Grit’s top job in 2006.

Barbara Falby is worried

This might be the most amazing letter-to-the editor I have ever read. It’s to the Toronto Star. The letter is from Barbara Falby of Toronto. In it, she blames Harper’s denial of climate change for hot weather that causes gun violence, blames Harper for the Colorado movie theatre shootings. She cites Canada’s previous laws and regulations on guns for preventing violence, violence which has been renewed as a result of getting rid of the long-gun registry. For good measure, she calls the government illegitimate and asks for the police to remove it by any means necessary.

Wait, what?

Stephen Harper’s climate change denial has led to it being hot and because of it being hot, people shoot each other. You see, climate change denial leads to mass shootings and Colorado blood is on the PM’s hands, according to this letter writer.

Those hoods in Toronto can likely recite CPC talking points based on registering sex offenders, not “the tools of farmers and duck hunters”. Or not.

Get that? Stephen Harper is apparently an accessory to mass murder. It’s like #cdnpoli had a brain embolism but retained the capacity for writing emails.

Gun violence wasn’t a problem before Stephen Harper got rid of the long-gun registry, you see. Now that he has been accused of being complicit in murder, he should be show “decency” and resign government, according to Falby.

A kid in Guelph decided to play fast-and-loose with some auto-dialing software and now we’ve found ourselves living under a dictatorship in a banana republic!

Well, different approaches to policy does not make one more or less deserving of power. In fact, these differences are the basis of selection in the democratic process. Indeed, power is legitimate because it comes via the electorate. Bar the doors of Parliament to elected members and let the police remove ministers of the Crown! One thing is to be sure, Canada’s literacy rate may be high, but certain members of the populace may lack a certain basic level of cognitive function.