The McLellan family, Ann, Pam, Nancy and Dale from Minnesota wrote to a Canadian Liberal senator the other week to inform the Liberal (and Canadians) that they would not be vacationing in Canada because they felt that it was necessary to boycott Canada due to what they termed the “horrific” seal hunt. Of course, boycotting has always been a democratic way of exerting influence via the market, however, consider the Liberal senator’s response:
What I find ‘horrific’ about your country is the daily killing of innocent people in Iraq, the execution of mainly black prisoners in U.S., the massive sale of guns to U.S. citizens every day, the destabilization of the whole world by the aggressive foreign policy of U.S. government, etc., — Liberal Senator Celine Hervieux-Payette
The Liberal Senator continues her anti-americanism in her email response:
“You may visit us and you will see that we are a safe and humane society, respecting the traditions of the aboriginal people, not trying to impose the ‘white people’ standards of living on them.” — Liberal Senator Celine Hervieux-Payette
Carolyn Parrish redux anyone?
Does Senator Hervieux-Payette speak for the Liberal Party of Canada?
Is this senator still a member of the Liberal caucus?