BT ANNOUNCE: Blogging Tories Mobile now online

Today I was tinkering with the Blogging Tories code and thought I’d try to make a WAP-enabled Blogging Tories website. What is WAP you might say? WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol and it allows cellphones and PDAs to access online content. Most websites use the prefix wap to denote a wireless website (such as for Canadian movie listings).

Instead, I integrated some code that allows the end-user to merely type in “” into their cell phone browser and the website will detect whether or not the browser is on a computer or on a cell phone.

So, whether or not you’re using Firefox, Internet Explorer, or your internet enabled cellphone, point your browser to “” and get the latest content from the Canadian conservative blogosphere!

It’s still in “beta”, so let me know how it works for you in the comments.